UMBILICAL CORD BLOOD STEM CELL INJECTIONS are unavailable at this time since the United States Government and has banned it's use for joint injections since 2020-2021. However, the FDA still allows injections in patient with other diseases. Therefore, we are praying for approval soon for joint injections again.

Dr. Ricky Tubbs, D.O. is Board Certified in Regenerative Medicine and an Anesthesiologist with 18 years of procedural and surgical experience. He specializes in ultrasound-guided and fluoroscopic-guided Stem Cell Injections for every major joint including the spine.

Dr. Tubbs also uses Stem Cell Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, and stroke patients with success.

Dr. Tubbs has helped athletes recover from injury using Stem Cell Therapy.

Dr. Tubbs has treated many elite athletes such as UFC Mixed Martial Artist Eryk Anders.